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STONE CRUSHER is a 3-channel tube bass preamp for modern low-tuned music styles.

Tubes: 12AX7 1pc. Power supply included 12v 1A plus in the center of the plug.

Adjustments clean channel: volume, bass, highs.

Overdrive adjustments: yellow channel - gain, volume, red channel: gain, volume. General overdrive tone block: bass, mids, highs.

Explanation and sound examples on the video.

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  • Price: 280$

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Here you can try and purchase VICTOR CUSTOM WORKSHOP devices at the address: Moscow, Kirovogradskaya 15, shopping center "Grand Yug", Pavilion G-53. Opening hours Mon-Sun from 10:30 to 20:00
Master class on "How to win a loudness war"!
Master class

What is the essence - there will be nothing new in this matter, During a half an hour or an hour I will give out all the information that I have for 40 years of designing studio equipment and recording and it is EVERYTHING you should know how to make ANY mix the most dynamical!

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